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Questions To Ask Your Deceased Pet

10 Questions To Ask Your Deceased Pet

It is always a great pain to bid goodbye to our beloved pets.

And once they crossed into another world, you could have so many questions to ask your deceased pet.

Sometimes a pet might pass away suddenly leaving us with a lot of questions and self-blame.

Communicating with your pet and asking about everything that bothers you could really help in getting closure.

Plus, there are pet psychics that could help you communicate with your deceased pet.


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They establish a telepathic path to communicate with your deceased pets and let you know what your pet is thinking.

This makes contacting your pet easy.

If you are someone who is thinking of having a psychic session to communicate with your pet but doesn’t know what to ask, then this post is for you.

Here I have gathered 10 questions that you can ask your deceased pet during a psychic session.

10 Questions To Ask Your Deceased Pet

Okay so let us go through each question one by one and see why those questions are important to ask.

1. Do You Know That I Love You?

We as pet owners, love our pets more than anything. 

But sometimes we are not able to convey it to our pets.

We aren’t able to show them how much we love them and what they mean to us.

During a psychic session, you can ask whether or not your pet knew how much you loved him/her.

And since it is never too late to tell someone you love them, tell your pet you love him/her, even when they are gone.

And will keep loving them.


Speak directly to your beloved pet in the afterlife with our pet psychic. Chat now!

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2. Did You Have A Good Life?

You can ask your pet if he had a good life here on earth.

Was he happy with the way he lived his life and with the things around him/her?

We all have some expectations with our lives and the things that we want from our lives.

The same is true with our pets.

They too have some expectations from life, from us.

Asking about their life experience will help you understand what they felt and how they felt in life and being with you.

Pets in heaven

3. Do You Forgive Me?

We value things more once we have lost them.

This is common in human psychology. 

If you feel guilty about treating your pet in a certain way, for failing to make them comfortable at some point in time, or if you blame yourself for your pet’s death, then you can ask your pet if he/she has forgiven you for that.

Many a time, different life events might have made you leave your pet alone.

Like going to the office or attending a marriage ceremony.

That might have made your pet sad. 

Ask your pet if they have forgiven you for that.

Tell your pet that you are sorry.


Talk to a pet psychic that can help you communicate with your deceased pet. Chat now!

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4. Do You Miss Me/Us?

Owners of the pets miss them even after they are dead.

And it is completely normal to wonder if they miss us or not.

So when you communicate with your pet through a pet psychic, you can ask your deceased pet if he/she misses you.

And also tell that you miss him/her.

5. Are You With Your Friends?

As pet owners, we all want that our pets don’t feel lonely ever.

The same is true with our pets in the afterlife. 

Ask your pet if they are with he/she is with friends.

You can also ask if they made any new friends there.

Cat in heaven after death

6. Did You Have Any Mental/Psychical Issues When You Were With Us?

Pets cannot speak.

Many times it is a problem for pet owners to understand their pets’ issues.

When having psychic communication, you can ask your pet if he had a good life here on earth with you.

Ask about any issues he/she had any issues when he/she was with you.

This question could also help you understand the pet’s psychology and you will care about those things with your future pets.

Unlock the ability to converse with your pet in the afterlife with help from our pet psychic. Chat now!

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7. Were You Happy With Me?

As a pet owner, one might want to know whether or not his/her pet was happy being with him.

 It is quite understandable that you might want to ask your deceased pet if he/she was happy being with you, being a part of your life.

Also, you can tell your pet that you are glad that he/she was a part of your life.

8. Do You Know You Are Family To Me?

Our pets are our family members.

And they are an important part of our families as any other person in the family.

You can ask your pet if they knew that.

Ask your pet if he/she knew how important he/she was to you and your family. 

pet going to heaven

9. Will You Meet Me In The Afterlife?

Our relationships with our pets are eternal.

And the connection between us and our pets still exists even after they are gone and we are gone from this world.

So you may ask your pet if they would like to meet you in the afterlife.

Because there you will be together forever.

Tell your pet that you will look for him/her in the afterlife.


Find solace in conversing with your departed pet through our pet psychic services. Chat now!

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10. Do You Want To Tell Me Anything?

At last, you can ask your pet if he/she wants to tell you anything.

Anything that he/she couldn’t tell you when he/she was with you.

As said earlier, sometimes it is difficult for us to understand their gestures and what they want to tell us.

When talking to your deceased pet, you can ask your pet if there is something that he/she could tell when alive but would like to tell now.

Final Words

So these were 10 questions to ask your deceased pet.

I hope this blog helped figure out what you would like to ask your deceased pet.

Losing a pet is always painful, but knowing the fact that you can still communicate gives some relief and happiness.

I would suggest you write down all the questions that you want to ask your pet on a piece of paper.

That way it will be easier when communicating with your pet in a psychic session, you won’t forget anything.

If you have any queries or want to share anything, the comment section is open for you.

Leave a comment, I love reading your comments.

Thanks for reading.


1 thought on “10 Questions To Ask Your Deceased Pet”

  1. It sure was interesting when you said that you can consider asking your deceased pet about their life experience to find out how they felt being with you. This is something that I will share with my sister because I heard that she is planning to hire an animal psychic communicator next weekend to finally be able to speak with her dog that passed away two months ago. She wants to have her questions answered by her favorite Shih Tzu, so I will ask her to consider your tips.

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