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The Five of Cups Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed)

The Five of Cups is a poignant card within the tarot deck, often depicting a figure cloaked in sorrow, gazing upon three spilled cups, unaware of the two still upright behind them.

This card delves deep into the realm of emotional experiences, symbolizing loss, disappointment, and the importance of moving past sorrow to embrace the potential for new happiness. It serves as a gentle reminder that while loss is an inevitable part of life, healing and renewal await just beyond the horizon of our grief.

Key Meanings of The Five of Cups Tarot Card:

Upright Five of Cups Meanings:

  • Grief
  • Loss
  • Regret
  • Melancholy
  • Reflection

Reversed Five of Cups Meanings:

  • Healing
  • Acceptance
  • Reconciliation
  • Optimism
  • Release

Upright Five of Cups Meaning in Various Contexts

1. Love and Relationship: In love readings, the Five of Cups suggests a period of mourning for what has been lost or a relationship that did not turn out as expected.

It’s a call to acknowledge the pain but also to recognize the love that still remains or the potential for new love on the horizon.

2. Career and Finance: In the context of career and finances, this card can indicate disappointment, such as a job loss or a failed project.

However, it also encourages looking for the lessons learned and the opportunities that such setbacks can unveil.

3. Health: This card may symbolize a period of emotional or physical healing, urging the need to focus on recovery and the aspects of health that can still be improved or appreciated.

4. Spirituality: Spiritually, the Five of Cups prompts a journey inward to process grief and loss, allowing for a deeper understanding of life’s cycles and the growth that comes from facing sorrow.

Is the Upright Five of Cups A Yes or No Card?

Generally, the Five of Cups would lean towards a ‘no,’ reflecting the need to address current losses or disappointments before moving forward.

The Upright Five of Cups as a Person

Represents someone immersed in their sorrow, possibly stuck in the past, but who has the potential for emotional depth and empathy.

The Upright Five of Cups as Reconciliation

In terms of reconciliation, this card suggests the need to mourn the past fully before any meaningful reunion or closure can occur.

Reversed Five of Cups Meaning in Various Contexts

1. Love and Relationship: The reversed Five of Cups in love readings signals a time of healing and renewal.

It indicates moving past heartbreak and being open to new emotional experiences.

2. Career and Finance: In career readings, the reversal suggests overcoming professional disappointments and seeing the value in the lessons learned, potentially leading to a more fulfilling path.

3. Health: When it comes to health, the reversed card points towards recovery and a renewed appreciation for well-being, highlighting the importance of emotional healing in physical health.

4. Spirituality: The reversed Five of Cups marks a spiritual awakening from grief, encouraging a reconnection with hope and the recognition of life’s broader tapestry that includes both joy and sorrow.

Is the Reversed Five of Cups A Yes or No Card?

As a reversed card, the Five of Cups shifts towards a ‘yes,’ suggesting that the time for mourning has passed and the moment to embrace new opportunities has arrived.

The Reversed Five of Cups as a Person

Reflects an individual who has traversed the depths of sorrow and emerged with greater resilience, empathy, and an appreciation for life’s ongoing cycle of loss and renewal.

The Reversed Five of Cups as Reconciliation

In terms of reconciliation, the reversed card indicates a readiness to let go of past hurts and move towards forgiveness or closure, paving the way for healing relationships.


The Five of Cups tarot card, with its deep emotional resonance, serves as a powerful guide through the landscapes of loss and healing.

Whether upright or reversed, it teaches us the value of facing our sorrows, learning from our disappointments, and ultimately finding the strength to look towards the still-full cups that life offers.

In navigating through grief, the Five of Cups reminds us that healing is not just possible but an integral part of our journey towards wholeness and renewal.

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