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The Four of Swords Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed)

The Four of Swords, a card that often depicts a figure lying in repose as if in a state of meditation or prayer, symbolizes a period of rest, contemplation, and recovery.

Within the Tarot deck, this card serves as a reminder that after periods of strife or exertion, it is essential to pause, reflect, and rejuvenate one’s spirit, mind, and body. The image of swords, typically representing conflict or action in the Tarot, being at rest in this card underscores the theme of taking a necessary respite from battles, whether they are internal or external.

Key Meanings of The Four of Swords Tarot Card:

Upright Four of Swords Meanings:

  • Rest
  • Recovery
  • Contemplation
  • Peace
  • Respite

Reversed Four of Swords Meanings:

  • Restlessness
  • Burnout
  • Stagnation
  • Isolation
  • Exhaustion

Upright Four of Swords Tarot Card Meaning in Various Contexts

1. Love and Relationship: In romantic readings, the Four of Swords suggests a time for reflection on your relationship.

It might be an indication to take a break, to think things over, or to allow healing if there has been conflict or difficulty.

2. Career and Finance: This card advises taking a step back from your professional life to recharge and gain perspective.

It may indicate the need for a vacation or a break from your work routine to prevent burnout and restore your energy.

3. Health: The Four of Swords is particularly significant in health readings, emphasizing the need for physical and mental rest.

It could suggest recovery from illness or a period of convalescence to regain strength.

4. Spirituality: Spiritually, this card encourages deep meditation and inner reflection.

It’s a call to quiet the mind, seek inner peace, and connect with your inner self away from the noise of everyday life.

Is the Upright Four of Swords A Yes or No Card?

Generally, the Four of Swords does not lean clearly towards ‘yes’ or ‘no’ but rather suggests a time of pause to reflect before making decisions.

The Upright Four of Swords as a Person

As a person, the Four of Swords would represent someone who is introspective, calm, and in need of solitude. They may be taking a break from their usual activities to recharge and reflect.

The Upright Four of Swords as Healing

In the context of healing, this card is a strong affirmative, indicating that rest and taking time for oneself is essential for the healing process.

Reversed Four of Swords Tarot Card Meaning in Various Contexts

1. Love and Relationship: Reversed, the Four of Swords warns of the dangers of isolation or ignoring issues that need addressing in a relationship.

It may suggest that it’s time to re-engage and communicate after a period of reflection.

2. Career and Finance: In career readings, the reversed Four of Swords might indicate a return to action after a period of rest.

It could also warn against stagnation and the need to move forward with plans and projects.

3. Health: Health-wise, the reversed Four of Swords could signify restlessness or frustration with slow recovery, urging patience and continued self-care.

4. Spirituality: Reversed, this card might suggest spiritual restlessness or a need to break from too much introspection.

It encourages finding a balance between contemplation and living in the external world.

Is the Reversed Four of Swords A Yes or No Card?

Like its upright position, the reversed Four of Swords does not provide a clear yes or no but indicates a need to end a period of rest and start taking action.

The Reversed Four of Swords as a Person

Represents someone who may be feeling restless or burnt out but is resistant to taking the necessary time to rest and recover.

The Reversed Four of Swords as Re-engagement

In terms of re-engagement, the reversed Four of Swords suggests that the time for rest has passed, and it is now time to re-engage with the world and your responsibilities.


The Four of Swords serves as a gentle nudge to honor our need for rest and contemplation, reminding us of the importance of stepping back and allowing ourselves the space to recover and reflect.

Whether upright or reversed, this card holds valuable lessons in self-care, encouraging us to listen to our bodies and minds and to give ourselves the permission to pause and heal before moving forward.

In a world that often values constant action and productivity, the Four of Swords stands as a beacon for the radical act of rest.

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