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Marriage After 40 Astrology

Marriage After 40 Astrology

We live in a society where the marriage for you is decided by the society but not by you. So if you are not married till the late 30s you and your family usually started getting pressurized by the family and society. Then you would be more eager and be more curious to know more

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Past Life Death Astrology

Past Life Death Astrology

Have you ever thought of past life? Ever imagined or ever felt curious to know how you were dead in the past life? Besides synastry, the twelfth house in a composite chart can also be telling when it comes to karmic relationships. The sixth and the eighth houses are other karmic houses. The fourth house

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Past Life Lovers Astrology

Past Life Lovers Astrology

Have you ever run into someone and felt an instant connection with them? It may have been like a spark of electricity passed through the two of you but never quite seemed to converge. Perhaps it’s just an instance of having met someone you feel connected to without knowing why. If that weren’t the case,

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Free Aura Reading Online

Free Aura Reading Online

In layman’s terms, you can think of an aura as a sort of “energy field” that emanates from a person. Some people may be able to see and or feel this energy as well (like some kind of force field surrounding the body). There are certain colors that are associated with certain personality traits which

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