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High Priestess Yes Or No Tarot (Upright & Reversed): True Meaning

What does The High Priestess mean in the context of Yes or No?

High Priestess tarot card

In Tarot readings, The High Priestess upright generally signifies a “yes,” representing intuition, mystery, and understanding beyond the obvious. When reversed, it suggests a “no,” indicating secrets, confusion, or a disconnection from one’s inner voice.

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Upright High Priestess as Yes or No in Various Contexts:

1. Love Questions

Yes, feel the silent whispers of the heart!

In the upright position, The High Priestess signifies a profound “yes” in love questions, urging you to trust your intuition and the subtle energies at play in your romantic life.

She embodies the mysteries of the heart, suggesting that the answers you seek lie within your own inner wisdom.

Like the silent, knowing smile of a lover, The High Priestess encourages you to listen to the whispers of your heart and the unspoken bonds between you and your partner.

She invites you to embrace the depths of your emotions and the intuitive understanding that true love is not always spoken, but deeply felt.

2. New and Existing Relationships

Yes, dive into the depths of understanding!

For new and existing relationships, the High Priestess upright heralds a “yes,” encouraging a journey into deeper mutual understanding and the importance of listening to one’s intuition about the relationship’s dynamics and future.

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3. Career and Finance

Yes, trust the wisdom within!

In career and financial matters, the High Priestess upright advises a “yes,” encouraging reliance on your instincts and suggesting that success may come from acknowledging and acting upon insights that are not immediately obvious to others.

4. Pregnancy

Yes, embrace the intuitive creation of life!

When it comes to questions of pregnancy, the High Priestess upright symbolizes a “yes,” representing the mystical and intuitive aspects of creating life, hinting at the unfolding of new beginnings filled with potential.

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Reversed High Priestess as Yes or No in Various Contexts:

1. Love Questions

No, seek clarity within the silence.
When The High Priestess appears reversed in love questions, she suggests a “no,” hinting at secrets, unheeded intuition, or misunderstandings clouding your romantic situation.

This position warns of the dangers of ignoring your inner voice or the subtle signs in your relationship.

Like a moon obscured by clouds, the reversed High Priestess cautions against losing sight of your inner guidance amidst emotional turbulence.

She advises reconnection with your inner self, encouraging you to clear the fog of confusion by trusting your intuition to unveil the truths hidden beneath the surface of your romantic interactions.

2. New and Existing Relationships

No, reconnect with the voice of your soul.

For new and existing relationships, the High Priestess reversed generally indicates a “no,” suggesting a crucial period for re-aligning with one’s inner voice to uncover the underlying truths and directions of the relationship.

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3. Career and Finance:

No, be wary of unseen pitfalls.

When the High Priestess appears reversed in career and finance inquiries, it signals a “no,” advising a closer examination of the instincts and gut feelings that might be warning you against unseen pitfalls or misguided decisions.

4. Pregnancy

No, turn inward for answers.

In the context of pregnancy, the High Priestess reversed suggests a “no,” indicating a time for inward reflection, perhaps to address subconscious fears, and desires, or to ensure that the path to conception is as clear and harmonious as possible.

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Actionable Advice

  • Love and Relationships: Listen closely to your intuition and the subtle cues in your relationship. Trusting your inner voice can lead to deeper connections and understanding.
  • Career and Finance: Stay attuned to your internal guidance when making career and financial decisions. Sometimes, what seems logical on the surface may not align with your deeper instincts.
  • Pregnancy: Honor your body’s wisdom and the natural timing of things. If considering pregnancy, ensure you are not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually prepared.


The High Priestess in a yes-or-no Tarot reading invites us to delve deeper into our subconscious and trust our inner knowing.

When upright, she generally signifies a “yes,” urging reliance on intuition and the unspoken wisdom that guides us through life’s mysteries.

Conversely, when The High Priestess is reversed, she suggests a “no,” highlighting the potential dangers of disconnecting from our inner voice and the importance of realigning with our true selves.

Whether in matters of love, career, or significant life choices like pregnancy, The High Priestess encourages a journey inward to discover the answers we seek.

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