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Is He Faithful To Me Tarot Spread Online [Free]

In the intricate world of romantic relationships, questions of trust and fidelity often arise, leaving one to wonder about their partner’s commitment.

Are you one of them? Do you have doubts about your partner’s faithfulness?

Then this online tarot spread is just for you.

The Is He Faithful To Me Tarot spread offers insightful guidance in these matters, serving as a tool to explore the depths of loyalty and sincerity in a relationship.

Is He Seeing Someone Else Tarot Spread

Select any five cards from the spread

What's the current state of his heart and affections?


  1. What's the current state of his heart and affections?
  2. Is there a new romantic interest in his life now?
  3. What is he truly seeking in his romantic pursuits?
  4. How does this potential new romance impact what we have?
  5. What should you focus on or consider moving forward?

How To Prepare For The Who Is My Future Spouse Tarot Reading

Before you start figuring out if he is faithful and committed to you using the Tarot cards, you’ll need to get the right vibes going.

Find a quiet and comfy spot where you won’t be bothered.

Take a few deep breaths, clear your mind of daily stuff, and focus on what you’re about to do.

Now, think about what you want to know.

Picture your partner and ask for the comic cards your concerns

Ask These Five Questions To the cards

Before you pick the cards for the virtual deck, introspect and ask the following questions.

  • What is the foundation of our relationship? (Card 1)
  • Is he faithful to me? (Card 2)
  • What influences his fidelity or lack thereof? (Card 3)
  • How does his (potential) infidelity affect our relationship? (Card 4)
  • What can I do in response to this situation? (Card 5)

How To Perform an ‘Is He Faithful To Me?’ Tarot Spread

This spread is curated to explore aspects of trust and fidelity in your relationship. Each card corresponds to a specific question, aiming to reveal deeper insights.

  • Card 1: The Relationship Foundation
    • Question: “What is the foundation of our relationship?”
    • Purpose: This card delves deep into the core strengths and qualities that hold your relationship together. It might reveal the shared values, mutual understanding, or the emotional bond that forms the basis of your partnership. Understanding this foundation can provide context for the rest of the reading.
  • Card 2: Fidelity Indicator
    • Question: “Is he faithful to me?”
    • Purpose: The heart of the spread, this card aims to directly answer your query about his faithfulness. It could reveal aspects of loyalty, and trust, or highlight potential areas of concern. The interpretation should focus on the current state of fidelity in your relationship.
  • Card 3: Influences on Fidelity
    • Question: “What influences his fidelity or lack thereof?”
    • Purpose: This card explores the factors influencing your partner’s loyalty. It could highlight personal issues, external temptations, or relationship dynamics that impact his faithfulness. Understanding these influences can provide insights into his actions and decisions.
  • Card 4: Impact of (Potential) Infidelity
    • Question: “How does his (potential) infidelity affect our relationship?”
    • Purpose: Here, the focus is on the repercussions of your partner’s fidelity (or lack thereof) on your relationship. This card can shed light on how potential infidelity could be affecting the emotional health, trust, and future trajectory of your relationship.
  • Card 5: Guidance for Action
    • Question: “What can I do in response to this situation?”
    • Purpose: This card offers counsel on how to approach and handle the insights gained from the spread. It could suggest ways to strengthen your relationship, communicate more effectively, deal with any challenges that have been revealed, or let the relationship go.

Key Cards to Look for in the Is He Faithful To Me Tarot Spread

Certain cards hold significant meanings about trust and fidelity:

  • The Lovers: Represents strong emotional bonds and choices in love.
  • The Tower: Signals sudden changes or revelations in the relationship.
  • The Devil: Can indicate bondage, obsession, or unhealthy dynamics.
  • Two of Cups: Symbolizes harmonious and reciprocal emotional connections.

Related articles on trust and fidelity that might interest you:


The Is He Faithful To Me Tarot spread is a powerful tool for those seeking insights into the loyalty and truthfulness of their relationship.

It doesn’t just reveal potential issues but also provides guidance for navigating through them.

Remember, the Tarot offers a reflective mirror, empowering you with knowledge to understand and strengthen your relationship.