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Justice Yes Or No Tarot (Upright & Reversed): True Meaning

What does Justice mean in the context of Yes or No? 

Justice tarot card

In Tarot readings, Justice upright typically signifies a “yes,” representing fairness, balance, truth, and accountability. It suggests that outcomes will be the result of actions taken and decisions made. When reversed, Justice suggests a “no,” indicating injustice, imbalance, or a lack of accountability.

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Upright Justice as Yes or No in Various Contexts

1. Love Questions

Yes, balance restores harmony!

In the upright position, Justice signifies a resounding “yes” in the context of love, suggesting that fairness, balance, and truth will prevail in your romantic endeavors.

This card encourages you to maintain honesty and integrity in your relationships, assuring that what is deserved will come to fruition.

Like the scales of justice, your love life seeks equilibrium, indicating that decisions made with clear intentions and respect for mutual well-being will lead to favorable outcomes.

Embrace Justice’s principles, and trust that genuine connections will be nurtured under its equitable influence.

2. New and Existing Relationships

Yes, fairness fortifies the bond!

For new and existing relationships, the upright Justice card indicates a “yes,” emphasizing that the relationship is entering or currently in a phase where fairness and equality act as the cornerstone, strengthening the connection.

This period is characterized by mutual respect, where both partners give and receive equally, fostering a healthy, balanced partnership.

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3. Career and Finance

Yes, your diligence will be rewarded!

In the realm of career and finance, the upright Justice card is a sign of “yes,” denoting that equitable outcomes are on the horizon based on your contributions and hard work.

This card assures that ethical behavior and integrity in your professional life and financial dealings will lead to fair rewards, underscoring the importance of maintaining a just approach in all endeavors.

4. Pregnancy

Yes, balanced efforts lead to fruition!

Regarding pregnancy inquiries, the upright Justice card typically signifies a “yes,” representing a balanced and fair approach to the process of starting a family or the efforts to conceive.

This card suggests that if both partners are equally invested and the circumstances are balanced, the desired outcome is likely to manifest.

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Reversed Justice as Yes or No in Various Contexts

1. Love Questions

No, seek equilibrium in love.

When Justice appears reversed in love questions, it signals a “no,” hinting at a potential imbalance or unfairness in your romantic situation.

This card cautions you to reevaluate your relationship dynamics, encouraging introspection and honesty about whether all parties are being treated justly.

It’s a reminder to correct any injustices or misunderstandings, ensuring that your actions and decisions in love are guided by fairness and integrity.

The reversed Justice invites you to restore balance, advocating for clear communication and equitable resolution to achieve harmony in love.

2. New and Existing Relationships

No, address the imbalance to thrive.

For new and existing relationships, Justice reversed generally indicates a “no,” highlighting unresolved issues or a prevailing lack of fairness that could strain the relationship.

This phase calls for a critical evaluation and rectification of the imbalance to prevent the partnership from suffering and to pave the way for a healthier, more equitable connection.

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3. Career and Finance

No, be wary of inequity.

In career and finance questions, the reversed Justice card signals a “no,” warning of potential unfairness in financial dealings or workplace dynamics.

This card advises vigilance and perhaps a proactive approach to addressing any inequities or unethical practices that may be impeding fair outcomes in your professional life or financial situation.

4. Pregnancy

No, consider the balance of circumstances.

In the context of pregnancy, the reversed Justice card might suggest a “no,” pointing to potential imbalances or unfair circumstances that could be affecting the situation.

This card encourages a reassessment of the environment and efforts, urging a more balanced approach or the resolution of any issues that may be hindering the process of conception or the journey towards starting a family.

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Actionable Advice

  • Love and Relationships: Strive for fairness and balance in your relationships. Communicate openly and ensure that both partners’ needs and viewpoints are considered equally.
  • Career and Finance: Maintain integrity and fairness in all your dealings. Ensure that your efforts are consistent and ethical to achieve the best outcomes.
  • Pregnancy: Approach this life change with fairness and balance. Ensure that decisions regarding starting or expanding your family are made with consideration and equity.


Justice in a yes-or-no Tarot reading embodies the principles of balance, fairness, and accountability. When upright, it typically indicates a “yes,” suggesting that outcomes will be just and deserved based on actions and decisions.

Conversely, when Justice is reversed, it advises a “no,” highlighting potential issues of unfairness or imbalance that need addressing.

Whether in matters of love, career, finance, or significant life changes like pregnancy, Justice calls for an honest assessment and equitable approach, ensuring that what is right and fair guides our actions and decisions.

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