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Message From The Universe Tarot Spread Online Free

Message From The Universe Tarot Spread Online Free

We are proud to announce that we’ve partnered with, one of the world’s top psychic websites, to connect our readers with renowned tarot readers, astrologers, and psychics for a vivid and detailed consultation.

And just for our readers, they are offering 50% off on every consultation, and the first 3 minutes absolutely free. Avail this limited-time offer in just three steps:

  1. Visit using this link, and sign up with your email.
  2. Enter billing information. Worry not, your card will be used only if the 3 free minutes are over, plus you’ll get 50% off if your card is charged.
  3. Connect with an advisor and start your 3-minute free consultation session.

It is not uncommon to question yourself when you feel like something should happen but it isn’t happening yet and then suddenly things change seemingly out of nowhere and you discover you were right all along!

In life we experience ups and downs – this is what being human is about, the ‘duality’ of existence.

How Does Tarot Spread Help In Knowing The Message From The Universe?

When everything seems to be going well and life feels like butter, trust comes naturally with minimal effort put in as we expect things will continue as always; however, sometimes when faced with challenges, it can sometimes be hard to believe that the Universe has our back on this one because we cannot see the bigger picture.

When you’re in distress or are having a bad day, take a few minutes and close your eyes.

The Universe always has your best interest at heart so you can trust that whatever arises is for the highest good of all involved.

Take some time to reach out to loved ones who give back as much love as they have received to you so that together with them in your heart space you can put yourself into alignment.

Even if others in the world aren’t aware of what might be going on, below the surface it is working its magic on us all.

When Do You Need These Messages From Universe Tarot cards?

There are times when you just need an extra dose of support from the universe.

We understand – and so we’ve created these cards to help remind you that the universe really is in tune with your every move, even if it sometimes feels like it isn’t.

To begin with: Take a moment to just sit quietly in a place where you can be undisturbed. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and focus on the breath going in and out of the body.

Do this for about a minute or two.

Set an intention for your meditation session by asking that any messages you receive will come through clearly and be something that you understand easily and can apply practically right away – so that you get the best results from your reading.

You may shuffle the cards or not, it’s up to personal preference (and also what is customary).

When ready, pick one card at random from your deck to view first:

Pull a card any time you need to feel more connected with your higher self.

It’s as simple as just reaching out and sending an e-mail to someone who has been on your mind after a long day and letting them know that you were thinking of them!


The universe and your higher self can be best friends too, so why not take some time to check in with each other?

Enjoy the company, browse through their photo albums (if they have one!), and grab drinks – just for fun 🙂

This deck of cards is designed to aid the interpretation process for each individual issue that has manifested in your life.

The cards also provide you with the opportunity to explore issues – and keep re-occurring in your life – more deeply.

Think about an event in your past or present, depending on where you are currently at with the issue at hand, then choose a card from this deck.

From there, you will be able to interpret what message it was that the Universe was sending you through that particular event.

Each card comes with an affirmation that will help you work through the issue at hand.