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Pet psychic for deceased pets

Pet Psychic For Deceased Pets: Connect With Your Pets In Heaven

Losing a pet is always a painful event for any pet owner.

We all consider our pets nothing less than an integral member of our family.

Naturally, besides the grief and anguish, we also feel a certain amount of guilt for their death.

We wonder if there was anything more we could have done for them.

So many questions remain unanswered and we desperately look for closure.

A pet psychic for deceased pets might just be who we need to find the closure we are looking for.

In this post, we will take you through everything you need to know about consulting a pet psychic for deceased pets.

Pet Psychic For Deceased Pets

Why Consult A Pet Psychic

It is never easy to witness the death of a loved one, let alone your animal best friend that you spent all your time with.

Unfortunately, we cannot keep them with us forever.

However, our connection with them is so deep that even after they have passed, we feel an invisible thread joining our hearts and souls.

The truth is, this connection is very real. Pet psychics can leverage this link to find your pet in the afterlife and act as an intermediary to pass messages between you and your animal friend.

But, you might be wondering what use this would be.

Here are the most common reasons humans want to communicate with their pet after their death.

Pet psychic service

To Know Pet’s AfterLife

As loving pet parents, it is always our concern that our pets are comfortable and happy, no matter where they are.

That is why this is always the first thing people with deceased pets want to know when they connect with their animal friend through a pet psychic.

Knowing that your pet’s soul is at peace in the afterlife gives us relief.

To Send Them Love

When our pet was alive, we showered them with love and affection.

That love does not die out when our pet leaves us for the other realm.

So, when we connect with our departed pets, we want them to still get and feel that immense love we had for them.

When you express that love through a psychic connection, your pet’s soul feels it to the fullest.

To Let Them Know They Are Cherished And Remembered

Animals are highly sensitive creatures.

They feel fortunate when they are loved. On the contrary, they get depressed when they feel unwanted and neglected.

Whether your pet is alive or departed, they deserve to know that you love them dearly and miss them every day.

It will make them feel special and they will look back on their days with you with contentment and nostalgia.

To Ask Your Pet If They Had A Good Life

Your pet was your best friend and family to you. You did your utmost to give them the best life they deserved.

But, as human beings, we are not outside making mistakes.

Knowingly or unknowingly, we may have made things difficult for them.

After all, our pets might be able to communicate with us in their own ways, but it has its limitations.

Making sure that your pet thinks you did the best for them gives you a lot of relief.

To Want To Know Any Last Wishes, Complaints, Or Regrets

Drawing from the previous point, while you know you did your best to give your pet the best possible life, you would still want to know if your pet felt the same way.

You would want to know if your pet had any wishes you could not fulfill or any grievance against you that you failed to interpret at that time.

Knowing this would give you the chance to make it up to them, even if posthumously so that there is no guilt or resentment between the two of you.

To Enquire If Your Pet Wants To Tell You Something

Often, your pet is the one that takes the initiative and reaches out to you.

You may feel their presence and call in the form of dreams, visions, sounds, smells, or feelings.

Perhaps they had some last words to say to you or wanted to ask you to stay strong.

Whatever the case may be, it comes upon you to take the next step and hire a good pet psychic.

That way, you will be able to establish a stronger channel of communication to talk to each other.

To Convey A Message To Deceased Pet

In turn, it might be you who had something to say to your pet but it was left unsaid due to unforeseen circumstances.

But there is nothing you can do now by feeling remorseful.

Rather, calling a pet psychic to connect you to your pet will be a more constructive step.

You will be able to give your message to your animal friend and feel reassured about the closure.

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How much does a pet psychic cost


5 Best Pet Psychic For Deceased Pets

Here are the 5 best pet psychics that you can consult for your deceased pet. All the psychics on the list are some of the top-rated pet psychics on the internet. 

Important note: I have mentioned some of the top-rated pet psychics here. Not all the psychics mentioned in the list will be available online at the time of you reading this article. So, I suggest you consult other top-rated psychics on the sites that are available online.  

Psychic Bridgette

Bridgette is a wise clairvoyant who uses her psychic abilities to assist people in all walks of life.

Although love life and career are also her special areas, she has gained a special reputation as a pet psychic.

She does not need any tools to give a reading; she relies on her spirit guides to show her the way.

She has been working as a psychic consultant for over 35 years now. She is available on, where she provides her services via phone, chat, or video calling.

She charges $3 per minute for her consultations. 

She has a five-star rating on the site with over 3000 reviews praising her abilities.

Click here to check her complete profile and get the first 3 minutes free!!!

Psychic Julie

Julie is a psychic medium and clairvoyant who comes from a line of people with supernatural abilities.

Both her mother and grandfather had psychic abilities and they guided her in the right direction on how to use her talent constructively.

She possesses the gift of psychometry as well as of being a spiritual medium and she has been using these gifts to serve people for over 30 years.

This is backed by around 700 positive reviews and a 5-star rating on the website. She does consultations over the phone on between 10 AM and 2:30 PM and again, between 8 PM and 10 PM.

She charges only $2 per minute for her services.

Click on this to get in touch with her now!

Raven Franks

Raven Franks is a famous intuitive, psychic medium, and empath who was featured in Cosmopolitan magazine.

She has over 20 years of experience and has been on Liveperson and Kasamba for 10 years, with the last 5 years dedicated exclusively to these sites.

She started locally, going on to giving readings through reputed psychic lines until she started her own line and website. Today, she has a high repeat clientele.

You can contact her through phone, chat, and email. She charges $16.99 per minute, but if you are an old customer, she will give you discounts.

With well over 17,000 reviews and a 4.96 rating, this is one name you cannot go wrong with

Click here to check her complete profile.

Miss Marla

Miss Marla has credentials that can rival almost anyone’s on Asknow.

She is a third-generation intuitive psychic and clairvoyant whose great grandmother, aunt and father also possessed psychic gifts.

As a child, she used to have paranormal experiences that proved her deep connection with the spiritual realm of the universe.

She has been giving readings since she was only 15 and today, she has over 40 years of experience, a busy schedule, and a highly satisfied clientele.

Miss Marla has done over 1000 readings on Asknow and all her customers have given her high ratings.

You can book her services or call her and she will connect you with your deceased pet for only $8.99 per minute.

Check out her profile from here.

Cosmo Constantine

Cosmo Constantine is a top-rated pet psychic and spiritual guide on

He identifies himself as an empath, healer, and energy reader and boasts of a long list of psychic abilities that he uses to help his clients.

He has 15 years of experience under his belt, which has translated to thousands of satisfied clients from all over.

He has been providing his services on Asknow since 2019 and despite not having done a lot of readings via the site, he still has 5-star ratings.

He is an esteemed initiate in multiple Esoteric Orders like A.M.O.R.C., S.D.N., T.M.O, and A.R.C.

 You can either schedule an appointment through Asknow or call him to get a reading for your deceased pet. He charges only $6.99 for his services.

Click here to get in touch with him now!

What Questions To Ask The Pet Psychic

When you attend the consultation with the pet psychic, you will obviously have a lot of questions that you want to be answered.

You might be wondering why you will ask the questions to the psychic instead of your animal friend. The thing is, your pet can only answer those questions that fall in the realm of their understanding.

For more complex, spiritual matters, the psychic will interpret what they sense and let you know.

The following are just a few examples and can be a good start for the reading.

  • Did my pet transition smoothly to the afterlife?
  • Does my pet miss me?
  • Is my pet doing well right now?
  • Is there anything I can do to make my pet’s soul get more peace?
  • Does my pet have any friends to keep them company in the afterlife?
  • Have they been sending me any signals or messages that I missed or misinterpreted? Will they send such messages again that I should loom out for?
  • Will I be reunited with my animal friend after I pass?
  • Is there any chance that my animal friend will reincarnate and return to me?

What Questions To Ask Your Deceased Pet

You can direct your questions to your animal friend too.

The pet psychic will act as your intermediary and pass on the question to their soul.

Once they provide an answer, the psychic will relay it back to you.

Here are some of the questions that you can ask your pet through the pet psychic:

  • Is there something you want us to know?
  • Are you happy and at peace there?
  • Do you have any regrets or complaints against me?
  • Do you have any posthumous wishes I can fulfill?
  • Did I make the right decision in letting you go (if your pet had to be put down)?
  • Were you afraid in your last moments?
  • Would you like me to contact you again?


Once a life passes over, there is no way to get them back.

However, there are ways to get in touch with them and talk to them.

You probably miss your pet a lot and wish you had had just a few more moments with them.

Staying sad and ruminating with your grief will only cause pain to your pet’s soul.

So, go ahead and call a pet psychic to connect with your deceased pet.

This guide should provide you with enough information to take that first step and obtain guaranteed results.


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