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Who Was I In My Past Life Astrology

Who Was I In My Past Life Astrology?

For generations, there has always been strong conformation to the theory of evolution. People have been changing and evolving for years, becoming different people from how they were just a few days ago.

As people evolved, their surroundings also evolved with them which is why it’s only natural that people wish to find out what the past was like. They want to know more about the mysterious past and how it impacted present-day Earthlings.

We love movies about mysteries that may be uncovered centuries later, for example. Imagine discovering such a story in real life: you are going through changes at a rapid pace as you continue to grow into an entirely different being than you were even just one week ago!

Bet you never thought astrology could answer some of the questions you have about your previous reincarnations. The good news is that it can! Of course, there are those who might roll their eyes or feel annoyed at the idea because they think that astrology is a sham.

But we wouldn’t judge anyone for what they think, and hopefully, by now you can kind of see that this knowledge we offer is for those who are interested in learning about their past experiences through the wisdom of astrology. It’s a great way to learn about yourself, after all!

How can Astrology help you in answering, Who was I in my past life?

So the first thing that you have to do is really open yourself up and allow some fresh air of reality to enter your life. We understand it might be hard to accept this information at first without having had any previous experience regarding it, but we want you to take a leap of faith.

Astrology allows us as people to learn a lot about ourselves and even how we were when we inhabited another physical form before our present lives.

Who were we then? What did we do? What was our lifestyle like? An astrological analysis can provide some answers for us through meditation or even writing down what’s going on in everyday life.

Who were you in your past life?
There are many methods to reveal your past reincarnations, but all the experts agree that it has a lot to do with planetary aspects towards Saturn or lunar nodes.

That is because Saturn is the planet that deals with karma and it shapes one’s life trajectory. In your birth chart, you need to find the exact location of Saturn at the time of birth for analyzing past lives.

The main things that you need to have in order to reveal and interpret your past lives by natal chart are planetary positions and the movement of planets from a particular place on the Earth at a given time in history.

Planetary positions inform about the places where people lived in their last incarnation, help interpret horoscopes, etc.


Astrology is a very ancient, scientific practice that has been around for thousands of years.

Today, astrology is gaining popularity in the Western mind again thanks to the work of people like Dr. Astro and his team who’s worked tirelessly to develop and distribute the first-ever probability-based star map system called MPS (My Personal Star System) which reveals that everyone’s path in life is unique; therefore there are infinite possibilities to learn more about ourselves so we can evolve as spiritual beings.

Your birth chart will definitely help you understand yourself better, know your strengths and weaknesses, and tell you what direction you need to move to improve your life even more!