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Hanged Man as Intentions (Upright & Reversed)

What does drawing the Hanged Man card imply about someone’s intentions toward you? 

When upright, the Hanged Man symbolizes a period of introspection and pause, indicating intentions that are deeply reflective and focused on inner growth in relationships. This card suggests a willingness to see things from a new perspective and a readiness for self-sacrifice for the greater good of the relationship. 

In its reversed position, however, the Hanged Man might hint at stagnation, resistance to change, or a fear of letting go, reflecting intentions that may be holding the relationship back from evolving. 

Hanged Man tarot card

Let’s delve deeper into the intentions signified by the Hanged Man in various relational contexts.

Upright Hanged Man as Intentions – In Various Contexts

● Singles and New Relationships: Keepin’ It Real.

When you’re single and the Hanged Man card pops up straight, it’s like the universe saying, “Hold up, let’s think about this.”

Your intentions?

You’re on a mission to really get who you are and what you’re after in someone else.

It’s not about jumping into the next thing that comes your way.

Nah, you’re playing it cool, taking a breather to make sure you don’t end up in the same old drama.

It’s all about being wise, learning from the past, and not rushing.

You intend to be sure of what you want, so when it’s go-time, you’re all in, for real.

● Existing Relationships: Seeing Things in a New Light. Got someone special?

The Hanged Man standing tall is your sign to mix things up, perspective-wise.

You’re ready to put the ‘us’ before the ‘me.’

This card’s got you thinking about what’s best for the relationship, even if it means not getting your way sometimes.

It’s all about patience, making those small sacrifices that add up to something big.

You intend to dive deep, get to the heart of things, and really understand each other.

Giving each other space isn’t just okay; it’s necessary.

It’s about strengthening that bond and being cool with taking it slow.

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● Ex-Partners and Past Relationships: Learning and Letting Go. Reflecting on the exes?

The Hanged Man’s stance is all about taking a moment to just… breathe and learn.

It’s about looking back not to get stuck but to grow.

Your intention here is to sift through the memories, keep the good stuff, and ditch the baggage.

It’s about making peace with what went down so you’re all clear for whatever or whoever comes next.

You’re not rushing into the next big thing; you’re preparing, making sure when you’re ready to jump back in, you’re doing it with eyes wide open.

● Careers: Taking a Different Approach.

When it comes to your career, the upright Hanged Man is like a green light for some serious thinking time.

Your intentions?

You’re all about seeing your work life from a fresh angle.

Maybe it’s time to hit pause on the hustle and ask yourself the big questions.

Are you where you want to be? Is this job fulfilling, or is there something more you’re after?

This card is your cue to maybe take a different path or tweak your approach.

It’s not about making rash decisions; it’s about being smart, considering your options, and intending to make moves that are right for you in the long run.

It’s about growth, learning, and being open to new possibilities in your career.

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Reversed Hanged Man as Intentions – In Various Contexts

● Singles and New Relationships: If you’re single and the Reversed Hanged Man pops up, it’s like a wake-up call saying, “Hey, time to shake off the old love blues!”

It’s all about intentions here.

Maybe you’re clinging to what’s-gone-and-done a bit too hard.

This card’s nudging you to let go of those old heartaches and fears that keep you stuck.

It’s about intending to open up to new chances, even if it’s a bit scary.

Change ain’t easy, but it’s necessary if you’re gonna find something real and ne

● Existing Relationships: Now, for those in a relationship, this card is a bit of a nudge, or more like a shove, towards looking beyond just your own needs.

It’s hinting that maybe you’re a bit too stuck in your ways, not really seeing things from your partner’s side.

The intentions here need a serious makeover. It’s about intending to compromise, to give a little to get a little.

Relationships are a two-way street, and if you’re not willing to change lanes now and then, you might just hit a dead end.

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● Ex-Partners and Past Relationships: When it comes to your exes, the Reversed Hanged Man is pretty much saying, “Move on, already!”

It’s all about the intentions to finally let go of what’s holding you back.

Maybe you’re nursing some old wounds or hanging onto grudges like they’re going out of style.

This card is your cue to intend to clean out that emotional closet, get rid of the baggage, and make space for something better.

Holding onto the past like a security blanket only keeps you cold in the end.

● Careers: And hey, let’s not forget about careers.

In this context, the Reversed Hanged Man is like that annoying coworker who won’t stop reminding you that you’re stuck in a rut.

Your intentions at work might be getting stale, maybe you’re resisting new ideas or clinging to the “this is how we’ve always done it” mindset.

This card is all about intending to shake things up, to be open to new possibilities, even if they seem daunting.

It’s about intending to grow, evolve, and maybe even take a leap of faith into something that scares the heck out of you.

After all, that’s where the magic happens, right?

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Action Plan for Personal Growth Inspired by the Hanged Man

Drawing inspiration from the Hanged Man, here is an action plan for personal growth:

● Singles and New Relationships:  Embrace the Hanged Man’s vibe by taking a step back to view your love life from a different angle.

It’s not about rushing in; it’s about understanding what you truly need from a relationship.

Sometimes, taking a pause to reflect can reveal new insights about what you’re really looking for in a partner.

Be open to seeing things in a new light, even if it means challenging your usual dating patterns.

● Existing Relationships: Channel the Hanged Man’s energy by encouraging a period of reflection and contemplation in your relationship.

It might be time to slow things down and reassess where you’re heading together.

Use this as an opportunity to deepen your connection by exploring new perspectives and understanding each other’s needs on a deeper level.

Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to first hang back and get a fresh outlook.

● Ex-Partners and Past Relationships: Take a leaf out of the Hanged Man’s book and let go of the need to control the narrative of past relationships.

Instead, adopt a stance of acceptance and release.

Reflect on what these experiences taught you and how they’ve shaped your approach to love and life.

This period of suspension can be a powerful time for personal growth, helping you to release old patterns and embrace new beginnings.

● For Career Aspirations: Apply the Hanged Man’s wisdom by taking a moment to reassess your career path from a different perspective.

If you’re feeling stuck or uncertain, it might be time to pause and reflect on your true aspirations.

Consider unconventional paths or creative solutions that you haven’t thought of before.

This isn’t about making immediate changes, but about opening your mind to different possibilities that might lead to a more fulfilling career journey in the long run.


The Hanged Man, in both its upright and reversed positions, offers profound insights into the nature of intentions in relationships.

By understanding and integrating the lessons of this card, one can approach relationships with greater awareness, empathy, and a readiness for personal and shared growth.

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